Cop's Enemy, Red Carpet Sydney

it's not every day Sydney gets red carpet events for film premiers, let alone with international celebrates like African legend Van Vicker. Since i got to know most of the cast before the film, as i had Prema Smith, John Kay, Joey Mens and Aida Madeletso in the 2GLF studios. I had a reasonable idea what to expect from the film. However, when it comes to a local production their is always the element of doubt that says; 'what do i say if it's really bad'? Luckily, I didn't have that experience with Cop's Enemy.
The film itself is a classic romance, action, gangsta film and I described the film on my radio show as 'Cinderella on steroids'. It's gritty, it's dark, yet enlightening on why some people are forced to choose a life of crime. This film reminded me of when i listen to the news and asked myself; why do do good people turn out bad? The quote 'Never judge a book by it's cover' also comes to mind when trying to review the story of Cop's Enemy. If i had to find some negatives with the film to be unbiased, which was incredibly hard to do. Some scenes were a bit drawn out and could of been shorter like some of the party scenes. While some other scenes that were incredibly important to the film were way to short, important dialogue and character needed more time. Scenes such as the police harassing the family doctor just appeared, instead of giving the scene a more linear coherency to the main plot. Overall i was impressed with the films story line and professional standard and can't wait to grab a copy on DVD to support local film. The red carpet night itself was off the chain. Besides getting the experience of walking a red carpet and getting a free drink with the VIP ticketing, we were thoroughly entertained by Dj Flex , local break dancers and we even had a fashion show with a local western Sydney fashion designer. After the festivities were over, the night left me wandering what's next from John Kay?